Looking to save money on gas? It’s a smart decision considering that gas is very expensive right now. The cost to fill up an American’s tank of gas has risen by 40 percent since the turn of the year, with the average gallon of fuel costing $3.13. And sadly, prices aren’t expected to go down for the rest of the summer.
With the cost of fuel being so high, here are five gas saving tips that are guaranteed to save you money!
1. Use a Fuel Additive
Fuel additives are compounds made to enhance the quality and efficiency of fuels. By adding one to your vehicle, you can increase engine power, boost acceleration and prolong engine life. Be careful about the additive you purchase for your car, as not all are created equal. Some of the best brands to look for are Lucas, Red Line and Star Tron.
2. Be a Relaxed Driver
If you’re not a relaxed driver, now is the time to become one. It might feel good to press down on the gas pedal, but this also causes you to waste more gas. If you become a relaxed driver, you can boost your fuel efficiency by as much as 37 percent! So what’s a relaxed driver? Someone who accelerates slowly, brakes lightly and drives at a lower speed (say, 75 mph to 65 mph).
3. Use Cruise Control
When you do a lot of driving on the expressway, it’s best to use cruise control. Set it at a reasonable speed and relax. Staying at a consistent speed and not changing lanes very often prevents sudden high-speed accelerations. In fact, you can save up to 14 percent over someone who’s changing lanes and accelerating.
4. Check Your Tire Pressure
Having under-inflated tires can cause you to go through more gas. On the other hand, properly inflated tires are safer, last longer and have better gas mileage. To find the proper tire pressure for your car, check the owner’s manual. Then take your car to the nearest gas station to make sure your tire’s have adequate pressure.
5. Use the Right Motor Oil
When giving your vehicle an oil change, make sure it’s getting the right oil. Using the wrong grade of motor oil can cost you 3 to 6 cents more per gallon, according to the US Department of Energy. Not sure which oil is the best? Refer to your owner’s manual for a recommendation, and look for oils that are branded as “energy conserving” or “energy saving.”
By following these five tips, you can improve fuel efficiency and put more money back into your pocket. And as gas prices increase, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re doing your part in preserving fuel.
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